Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Week In Geek 2/11/15

With the day job and the overall business of self care and basic living, you'll have to forgive me for the late posting. Thanks for understanding. And if you don't understand....well, you clicked on it anyway so there's that.

Well, this week, the deal finally go inked that Spider-Man gets to come home to Marvel on lease from Sony. The only thing is that we don't know who's going to show up in the costume. Personally, I found Andrew Garfield to be a pretty good fit, but Marvel works in mysterious ways. I've mentioned this before, but the Donald Glover Spider Man talk has reached levels of annoyance beyond what I thought I could stand. I like him, but the day Troy Barnes from Community plays live action Spider-Man is the day Spider-Man has reached Looney Tunes level ridiculousness. I know there's a huge calling for a Spider-Man of color to appear in the movies because the demand for diversity in media is growing and that's a great thing to see. It's a good time to be a comic reader of color or, really, even a woman or young girl who's been waiting for palatable material like Bitch Planet.

My comic reviews for the week are up and available on Black Nerd Problems for your viewing pleasure. This week, I took a look at...

Batman Eternal: The supernatural stuff always works out well for this book because they always manage to pick the perfect artist to pencil it. I've always liked how Batman just generally doesn't believe in the supernatural and yet always seems to have a plan for how to defeat them that involves magic like Nth metal. 

Thor: As if I haven't mentioned this enough, I simply cannot get past the fact that, of all comics, Thor has been made into a feminist narrative. If a troll can read the first few issues and still be salty with Marvel, then they're a troll the likes of which I've never seen before. This book comes with my highest recommendation. With Matt Fraction's Hawkeye and Brian Wood's Moon Knight going away soon, it's nice to know that Marvel still has some A+ material above the rest (which is still good) to keep my attention.

All New X-Men: Hallelujah!!! Bendis has finally gotten around to ending this story arc. The big payoff is watching Young Beast vindictively blowing up Castle Doom with that maniacal evil genuis look on his face. Between this and the Avengers "Time Runs Out" crossover into the Ultimate Universe (obviously setting up for Secret Wars), even though it's fun enough, it seems just a bit forced. On the other hand, I never hate seeing Ultimate Evil Reed Richards and Ultimate Doom show up in stuff. Part of me sort of hopes they survive Battleworld and end up in the 616 universe so their older counterparts can kick their asses (because the Ultimate versions wouldn't stand a chance).

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