This section of fandom (because the guy who wrote the letter isn't the only one by a long shot) has a problem with this because the Panther, though an awesome, formidable hero, hasn't really been given a chance as a truly marquee character. They seem to think, as far as I can tell, that returning his throne to him and making him this indomitable Batman of sorts again will put him in the spotlight he deserves and...I don't know...maybe they think he'll finally be worthy of joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe in his own film (which, according to some, is on the way sooner than we think).
The author of said letter also seems to believe that the Black Panther falling from grace is some kind of hazing unique to him that other characters (I'm assuming via context that he means white characters) are somehow immune to. Even though it's understandable as far as kneejerk reactions go (after all, we live in a country where it's practically a federal case if Jennifer Lawrence's boobs leak to the web but not Jill Scott's), it's still wrong.
Tony Stark, as karmic penance for being a war profiteer, has a piece of shrapnel from one of his own bombs stuck in his chest. He's also been a booze hound who has lost his company at least twice in recent memory, lost his memory, been an enemy of the state and, recently, engineered superhero death machines that he doesn't remember making.
Captain America, the Marvel Universe's greatest champion, has been on the run from his own country, shot in the chest, and even renounced his name when he didn't like the direction the country was going in.
And these are two of Marvel's biggest franchises we're talking about here. If Marvel were to absolve the Black Panther from being put through a gauntlet in his heroic and personal life (and this is what Reginald Hudlin lost sight of during his run), you're opening your character up to becoming a Goddamned Batman where the problem becomes that you've allowed your character to become too invincible in the eyes of the collective consciousness. And when was the last time that was exciting? 300? I mean, sure it was cool watching the Spartans be tougher than basically every other lifeform on screen, but that was only cool because we all knew they were going to die by the end of the movie.
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"Excuse me, but you're in the shot. They can't get my abs clearly." |
I mean, just think about Cyclops. After the years of fanwhining about how boring and vanilla Scott Summers was. Now, think about him finally losing his shit and, lately becoming the new Magneto. Who would have guessed that the Captain America of mutants would have turned into that wayward older brother who changes his clothes and rages against the machine to piss off his dead father figure? That's a much more interesting character!
It's natural to want the good guys to win. That's why comics are absorbed into pop culture so easily. No matter how cynical or apathetic our society becomes, we want to see someone triumph during those times when we don't think we can. Jerry Siegel's father was shot and killed in a department store robbery. When he created Superman, he was giving birth to the kind of hero he wished could have saved his dad, a hero who would never let us down in those times when our friends, our jobs or our justice system does.
But the connection between the hero and his/her reader can't always be so simple. Otherwise, the audience starts to resent the hero in the same way you hate hearing "I know how you feel" from your friend who gets all the pretty girls in high school. The greater the test put before your hero, the louder we cheer when they see their way past it.
Moral of the Story: It's not about the fall. It's about the climb back.
(This is mad long and I apologize in advance)
ReplyDeleteI'm incredibly biased about Hudlin's take on BP because the Marriage trade paperback was the first comic I bought with my own money and at the time it meant a lot to me. That said, the run wasn't perfect and while I can see the criticism I don't know if I totally agree with them.
Mainly this idea that T'Challa being hyper capable or "invincible" is a bad thing. I recently reread Priests run of the character and while I can see the differences, it's not even in the same universe of out of character as AvX.
Like I can't recall the last time a read an American superhero comic and actually thought, "Yo, the hero might actually not make it out of this." I -know- they will win at some point and while I don't think every hero, particularly every black hero, needs to be like T'Challa I don't care and in fact loved how he just flexed on pretty much everyone, save Killmonger.
I feel you about how, "It's not the fall, it's the come back." But man, listen. Tony got his comeback and always will. Once the stuff with Sam as Cap. America is done( $1.99 says it happens during the Civil War movie) Steve Rogers will have his. Daredevil had his comeback, Peter Parker had his. The comebacks for the white dudes happen consistently and usually don't take long to happen.
T'Challa's been in the wringer every since Hudlin stopped writing the character. I thought the way he handle Shuri taking the BP mantel was great. She used expert level cunning and we had T'Challa and Ororo literally fight the grim reaper. It was rad. Everything since has been lamer than Great Lakes avengers.
Doom War was illogical garbage and had a completely unfulfilling ending. No reason Doom should have been allowed to live. No comeback there.
Man Without Fear had no business being about T'Challa. Cool idea. Lame execution, weak writing, only held up by great art. Kasper Cole or (given what I've read about the character I need to do more research) Night Thrasher would have been a better pick. This is where I stopped buying issues of BP and comics in general and decided to wait for trades.
The little bit of Wakanda we saw in stuff like FF and Defenders was cute, but didn't amount to anything.
AvX was damn near a hate crime. The comics where a garbage troll and Ororo were in Wakanda for whatever reason felt like salt in the wound. This is about where I dropped Marvel and haven't been back sense. Kinda wish I didn't care so much in retrospect, but it is what it is.
I still love the character. I hate the comics. Stopped buying them years ago. If the thing to wait on is the comeback, why care when the fall is so uninteresting?
Side note: I'mma put another $0.99 into that comeback arriving 2017. In theaters worldwide. After whatever nonsense "All New Secrete Wars" turns out to be.