I mean, really....what the fuck ever happened to Quake? I mean, she had this great setup as Nick Fury's protege that "will go on to do great things and be one of the best agents ever." She had her own team of young, DIVERSE superpowered agents, most of which we've never heard from again including Phobos, the goddamned god of fear. This is one of those cases where Marvel could have BEEN doing the All New All Different thing ages ago. As a matter of fact, I'm going to go ahead and take that, in retrospect, as a direct attempt on Marvel's part to not let Brian Bendis OR Jonathan Hickman be great (even though they are both clearly allowed to be great now), but I digress. I think the complaining about Daisy wouldn't be so vocal if it weren't for the fact that the Most Interesting Story On The Show (What the Fuck Happened to Simmons) has been relegated to the side story.
Meanwhile, on The Flash, some of the sins of Season 1 have come back to bite this show in the ass. This week's episode mostly dealt with Captain Cold's abusive father blackmailing him into a crime spree. Since the writers have essentially defanged Cold, making any episode with him involved into anime filler (at least until Legends of Tomorrow finally debuts) it took them bringing The Voice of Darkseid in to give The Flash a reason to get shot with the cold gun. It's always interesting to jump into the minds of villains and their vulnerabilities, but the fact that it's a CW show means there's always the possibility that the writers will give into their urges to pander to the Lowest Common Denominator. In this case, that means having Golden Glider sit in the hero's lair and make doe eyes at Cisco. By the way....if your sister is a supervillain that can turn things to gold, why the fuck are you still robbing banks?

My comic reviews for the week on Tokyo Ghost and The Invincible Iron Man are available on Black Nerd Problems for your viewing pleasure. And don't forget about my webcomic, Neverland: The Untold. As always, feel free to like, share, comment and spread the word at your leisure.