Friday, July 25, 2014

The Week In Geek 7/23/14

This week certainly wasn't as action packed as last week.

-Most of my week was dedicated to the Twitter drive to get BNP followers up. If you haven't done so already, please follow the collective @blknrdproblems on Twitter AND Instagram for the latest in updates, news, links to articles as soon as their available, live tweets and all manner of miscellaneous nerd fuckery.

-I'm still looking for a new name for The Blog, so tweet me (@letsgetfree13), email me (, Facebook me if you have any ideas for a name. I want to rename this bad boy before I run away to Wordpress, so your help would be appreciated.

My comic reviews for the week are currently up and available on Black Nerd Problems for your approval...or disapproval, as it were. This week, I took a look at....

Batman Eternal: Okay, this issue wasn't quite as strong as last week's outing, but it certainly felt less cluttered and that's always a godsend to this book.

Batman: This finale to Zero Year mainly lived up to the hype brought on by all the awesomeness of the past year. Scott Snyder has a win and a half on his hands. One slightly unrelated thing it brought to light for me was one of the fundamental flaws in The Dark Knight Rises: Alfred Pennyworth would NEVER leave Batman. Ever. Granted, I understand the context Christopher Nolan was trying to create. Rises was intended to be about Batman losing EVERYTHING.

Money- Wayne Enterprises goes broke.

Love- The idea that Bruce lost his one chance at a normal lie was taken from him with the revelation that Rachel was going to choose Harvey Dent instead of him.

The Power to Scare The Living Shit Out of Evil- "Ohhh, you think darkness is your ally..."

Gadgets- "You're precious armory, gratefully accepted. We will need it."

You get the picture. Batman was broken down to his most base components and forced to find his way back to everything he had and everyone he loved....including Alfred. But this is awkward not only because Bruce and Alfred have some of the best exchanges of the entire trilogy and having Michael Caine in 75% of your movie is simply a bad idea, but because Alfred is the ONE real constant in his life. This is what Zero Year does well: We know full well that Bruce Wayne will be Batman for as long as his body will allow it and maybe even some time after that. But Alfred will always be standing beside him to remind him of what the life he could always aspire to some day. He's not just his conscience. He's his humanity. That's why it's almost an unspoken rule that he would never abandon Batman.

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