Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wall of Weird: Episode 1

Ok, for those of you that don't already know me, not only am I a poet, I work in a used bookstore (which shall remain nameless due to my antics). Since we buy books from the general public, we get our share of old, interesting and just plain bizarre material coming in on an semi-constant basis. I've decided it would be a tragedy and a disservice to my readers (all three of you) not to share these gems with the general public. Therefore, I submit for your approval....The Wall of Weird!!!

I bet you guys didn't know Sylvester Stallone was a published author. I wasn't sure he could read let alone write, but people can shock you. Granted, he wrote Rocky, but I have a theory on that. You know how scientists say you could put a bunch of monkeys in a room together with typewriters and eventually you'd get a Shakespeare play? It's basically that except you give Sly a blank word document and a slab a meat to keep him focused. After all, how do you think the Expendables got made? Anyway, after his 1976 fluke, Rocky, Stallone was given the green light to write and direct the movie/novel Paradise Alley, the saga about three brothers from 1940's Hell's Kitchen who become involved in professional wrestling also starring Armand Assante, Terry Funk and Ted DiBiase. Yes, Ted DiBiase, the Million Dollar Man.

In case you're wondering, I didn't read this book or watch the movie. I know all of this because of the blurb on the inside flap and wikipedia. I dared not open this thing to read it for the following reasons.....

-Since it's set in the 1940's Hell's Kitchen, it's safe to assume that none of the brothers are Daredevil. I'm out.
-Apparently, according to the cover art, Sly's character is a traveling mime. I am double out.
-It is my understanding that at no point in the film does he awaken from a cryogenic prison to do battle with a blond Wesley Snipes, have mind sex with Sandra Bullock or shoot exploding arrows at cop cars for no reason. Strike Three!
-Also, this picture on the back was enough to make me place this book down.....

Caption: "Uhhh....I don't know how to turn this thing on...."

Final Verdict: The Wall of Weird gives this one a 7.5 out of 10

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