Imagine, if you can, that you're an english major. You're sitting in a movie theater watching Sherlock Holmes, a movie about one of the greatest, most celebrated fictional detectives of all time. Holmes has, at last, cornered his culprit and goes into detail about how he knew who it was all along, citing subtle clues and unsuspecting examples as he goes. Then, all of a sudden, the movie ends with everyone being kidnapped by space aliens and it turns out that the hero of Scotland Yard can summon a magic crystal that enables him to grow to be thirteen stories tall and battle alien monsters that only speak Japanese. The only trouble is that Dr. Watson is actually an Al Queida suicide bomber out to destroy Holmes and take his magic crystal so that a mutant turtle named Osama Bin Laden can conquer the universe and liquify Barack Obama's brains with continuous play of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song. Now, imagine, as a result of this f**kery, that your head has exploded with confusion and frustration. If you can picture all of this, you'll have pretty good idea of what it's like for real comic fans to have to watch bullsh** like this....
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